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Mobile filter unit for light welding and extraction applications. The FilterCart Original extraction arm includes an integrated spotlight, which optimizes the user-friendly design.
Welding tables are work tables designed for welding fume and lightly loaded dust applications. When connected to a central filter unit, they capture the dust and fumes released during various applications with high efficiency, leaving no opportunity for employees to breathe harmful and dusty air. Thanks to its special design, it provides high perfo...
Flexible and modular portable welding fume and dust extractor that solves most common demands regarding welding fumes and non-combustible dust. Accessories can be attached to improve individual applications. Can be combined to work as a mobile unit or as a fixed mounted unit.
Duman Giderici çalışma alanına kolayca taşınabilecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Çekme nozuluna veya kaynak torçuna bağlanan Duman Giderici ünitesi, dumanı doğrudan kaynağında çeker. FE 840 manuel bir çalıştırma/durdurma işlevine sahipken, FE 841 kaynak işi başladığı anda üniteyi &cced...
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